
  • Sadraque Akpan

    Shadrach Akpan is the founder of Wheatstone Gates, a company devoted to providing clean and affordable solar energy solutions to Households and Companies across Nigeria. The company says they were able to generate a revenue of N4,300,000 between Jan 2020 – June 2020, with N3,900,000 generated as revenue within May 2020 and June 2020, a …

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  • Bilikiss Adebiyi-Abiola

    Bilikiss Adebiyi-Abiola

    Bilikiss is the founder of Wecyclers, a for-profit social enterprise that collects recyclable rubbish from households in Lagos. Once the rubbish is sorted, her company sends SMS messages back to the household, informing them of how many points they have earned for trading in the rubbish. Her solution is a rewards-for-recycling model that incentivizes people …

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  • Gaone Ditsele

    O negócio Green Packaging da Gaone Ditsele está centrado na produção de sacolas e garrafas plásticas biodegradáveis. O negócio de Gaone trabalha para eliminar problemas de poluição do solo e minimizar o volume de resíduos em aterros para garantir que não sejam fatais para a vida animal.

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  • Mohammed Akamara

    In September 2018, Mohammed Akamara, CEO of Light Salone and his team set out to design and fabricate small-scale renewable hybrid energy plants that combine solar and wind. Their product, Sowind Technology, includes a plastic lantern, small scale hydro generator, solar book, and charging telecentres, and is built using recycled materials to provide the cheapest …

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  • Olasupo Abideen

    Olasupo Abideen

    Olasupo Abideen journey into entrepreneurship came from the need that he identified in his community. As a student of chemistry and volunteer to SDGs groups, Olasupotook a keen interest in clean, renewable energy, that could be used instead of orthodox fuelling options, and one of them was Liquefied Petroleum Gas. In 2017, Olasupo took a …

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  • Chioma Ukonu

    Chioma Ukonu

    Chioma é o fundador e COO da Recycle Points, uma empresa social de reciclagem de resíduos que motiva os pós-consumidores a reciclar, criando valor a partir dos seus resíduos diários. Com sua equipe, ela conseguiu desenvolver um modelo de incentivo BASEADO EM PONTOS com o qual coletam materiais recicláveis (latas, garrafas de vidro, jornais, etc.) de pós-consumidores cadastrados e em …

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  • Maher Oudira

    Maher Oudira

    Maher Oudira is the CEO of Green ALAFCO; a recycling company that recycles and exports aluminium cans to international buyers. Currently, his company has been able to rid the streets of Tunisia of over 1,000 tons of cans with the hope of reaching 4,000 tons in the next few years. His goal is to make …

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  • Stella Sigana

    Stella Sigana

    Stella Sigana is the founder of Alternative Waste Technologies, which is a mission-driven social enterprise, whose aim is to create meaningful employment opportunities to at-risk youths to avoid crime, unlock their potential, develop their skills and create successful futures for themselves. AWT core business focus has been on the production of fuel briquettes through the …

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  • Príncipe Kwame Agbata

    Príncipe Kwame Agbata

    Príncipe Kwame Agbata é cofundador da Coliba, uma plataforma de gerenciamento de resíduos em estágio inicial que aproveita a tecnologia móvel e da web para ajudar os usuários a separar seus resíduos, agendar e solicitar uma coleta e coletar os resíduos no conforto da casa do usuário.  

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  • Okey Esse, empresário Tony Elumelu

    Ok Esse

    Okey Esse é o fundador da Powerstove, uma empresa focada e defensora da energia limpa que projeta, fabrica e distribui fogões sem fumaça que usam 70% menos biomassa para cozinhar alimentos e, ao mesmo tempo, geram 50 watts de eletricidade para a casa do usuário. A Empresa também produz Goodlife Pellets, um combustível premium derivado de resíduos que custa 60% menos que a lenha e…

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