
  • Chinedu Emenalo

    After several years in the banking sector, it was easier for Nigerian-born Chinedu Emenalo to identify the challenges around financial service faced by customers. With this, Chinedu and his colleague – who would become his co-founder – decided to launch a startup. Kobopay, to offer a more seamless platform for affordable financial services at a …

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  • Oluseun Onigbinde

    Oluseun Onigbinde is a Nigerian entrepreneur and open data analyst popularly known as the co-founder and CEO of budgIT, a Nigerian civic startup. Oluseun Onigbinde is a fiscal transparency advocate and a firm believer in the power of Open Data. In 2012, he was awarded the Future Awards Prize for Science and Tech Innovation and …

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  • Chioma Ifeanyi-Eze

    Chioma Ifeanyi-Eze is an entrepreneur-accountant with a zest to increase the sustainable growth rate in SME’s within Africa. She has over 11 years of experience on bookkeeping, finance and business consulting from several banking and finance organisations. A Chartered Accountant and a Chartered Tax practitioner, in 2015, she introduced a virtual and retail tech- accounting …

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  • Elie Houessou

    DirectPay Group SA é uma empresa fundada em 2014 com um capital de 10 000 000 F CFA. O negócio é uma solução inovadora que facilita o comércio eletrônico em todas as plataformas online. Para tal, criou a plataforma OwoPay para agregar todos os meios de pagamento. Ao fazer isso, maximiza a cadeia de valores…

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  • Nkem Okocha - Mama moni

    Nkem Okocha

    With a mission to eradicate poverty through economic empowerment of poor women, Nkem Okocha set up Mamamoni, a social enterprise that is addressing community transformation by empowering women to carry on small businesses. Loan recipients get low-interest loans in return for signing up for a system designed to create impact on financial inclusion and children’s …

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  • Vital Sounouvou

    Sounouvou founded Exportunity, a site that promotes export opportunities for Africans by connecting producers with traders. It allows a farmer in Benin to sell his produce to a buyer in South Africa – or the United States – through a cell phone. Through the trade events, Sounouvou has engaged over 750 clients, and built a database …

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