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  • Chanceuse Yvette

    Yvette Ishimwe

    Yvette Ishimwe is the founder and CEO of Iriba Water Group. A year before she was bestowed with a Queen’s Young Leaders Award in 2017, Yvette Ishimwe became a Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneur with the goal to provide innovative solutions for household water shortage in Rwanda. In addition, her organization Iriba Water Group, offers water …

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  • Vital Sounouvou

    Sounouvou founded Exportunity, a site that promotes export opportunities for Africans by connecting producers with traders. It allows a farmer in Benin to sell his produce to a buyer in South Africa – or the United States – through a cell phone. Through the trade events, Sounouvou has engaged over 750 clients, and built a database …

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