Nous sommes la principale organisation philanthropique qui donne du pouvoir aux jeunes Africains dans les 54 pays africains.

La Fondation Tony Elumelu (TEF) a été fondée en 2010 par Tony O. Elumelu, Cfr ; Un entrepreneur, investisseur et philanthrope passionné par le développement économique de l'Afrique.

La Fondation Tony Elumelu est la principale organisation philanthropique qui donne du pouvoir à une nouvelle génération d'entrepreneurs africains, favorisant l'éradication de la pauvreté,
catalyser la création d’emplois dans les 54 pays africains et garantir une autonomisation économique inclusive. Depuis le lancement du programme d'entrepreneuriat TEF en 2015, la Fondation a formé plus de 1,5 million de jeunes Africains sur son pôle numérique, TEFConnect, et a déboursé près de 100 millions de dollars US en financement direct à plus de 20 000 femmes et hommes africains, qui ont collectivement créé plus de 400 000 emplois directs et indirects.

La mission de la Fondation est ancrée dans l'Africapitalisme, qui positionne le secteur privé et, surtout, les entrepreneurs comme catalyseur du développement social et économique du continent africain. La capacité de la Fondation à financer, former, encadrer et mettre en réseau de jeunes entrepreneurs africains a créé une plateforme unique pour catalyser la croissance à travers le continent africain.

La solide capacité de la Fondation à atteindre des entrepreneurs dans toutes les zones géographiques et tous secteurs lui a permis de mener des partenariats innovants avec l'Union européenne (UE), le Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD), le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR), le gouvernement américain. via la Fondation américaine pour le développement de l'Afrique (USADF), l'Organisation des États d'Afrique, des Caraïbes et du Pacifique (OEACP), l'Agence française de développement (AFD), l'Institution allemande de financement du développement (DEG), l'Agence allemande pour la coopération internationale.
Coopération internationale (GIZ), la Banque africaine de développement (BAD) et Google, avec des programmes sur mesure ciblant notamment l'autonomisation des femmes et la croissance dans les États fragiles.


Our mission at the Tony Elumelu Foundation has always been crystal clear: to empower, uplift, and inspire the next generation of African leaders. Through our unwavering commitment we've not only created opportunities but also ignited a spark of possibility in the hearts of millions.

Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) was founded, signalling the beginning of the journey to accelerate African entrepreneurship.
The Elumelu Professionals Programme (formerly known as the African Market Internship Programme, AMIP) and the Tony & Awele Elumelu Prize were launched.
The Tony Elumelu Foundation provided $100,000 seed funding to 20 tech businesses through Nigerian Accelerator, CCHub, and launched a partnership between The Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) and the Tony Blair Africa Governance Initiative (AGI) to strengthen Africa’s private sector.
The Tony Elumelu Foundation partnered with Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Trade and Industry to fund the National Competitiveness Council of Nigeria (NCCN) and it supported the creation of the Impact Economy Innovations Fund (IEIF) - a joint, US$650,000 initiative with the Rockefeller Foundation to identify and fund seven individual investments.
TEF launched the Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme, a $100million commitment to identify, mentor, fund, and train 10,000 African entrepreneurs in 10 years across 54 African countries, as well as the Africapitalism Institute.
The first set of 1,000 pan-African entrepreneurs were announced as beneficiaries of the Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) Entrepreneurship Programme, from over 20,000 applications across the continent. They convened at the inaugural TEF Forum.
The TEF report “Unleashing Africa's Agricultural Entrepreneurs”, a research of 304 Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurs from the Agricultural sector, was launched at the World Economic Forum Africa in Kigali, Rwanda
Tony Elumelu Foundation officially opened its TEF Entrepreneurship Programme to global partners
The Tony Elumelu Foundation launched TEFConnect, the largest digital networking platform connecting African entrepreneurs to pan-African business opportunities. The Foundation also hosted French President Emmanuel Macron at an exclusive gathering with over 1,000 guests in attendance.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) signed a ground-breaking partnership with the Tony Elumelu Foundation to empower 100,000 additional entrepreneurs in rural, underserved communities across the continent over 10 years. It also launched a $5million partnership agreement with the African Development Bank, to support young entrepreneurs in Africa with training, mentorship and funding.
The Tony Elumelu Foundation unveiled an upgraded and fully digitised TEF Entrepreneurship Programme, allowing instant feedback on entrepreneurs’ application and end to end automated processes.

"En tant qu'entrepreneur moi-même, je comprends ce que cela fait d'aspirer à une bouée de sauvetage, d'espérer une "grande pause", d'avoir hâte de profiter d'un peu de chance."



Our mission at the Tony Elumelu Foundation has always been crystal clear: to empower, uplift, and inspire the next generation of African leaders. Through our unwavering commitment. we've not only created opportunities but also ignited a spark of possibility in the hearts of millions.


Un désir ardent de toujours mener à bien les choses en temps opportun, de manière efficace et efficiente. Nous croyons au travail acharné et à la réalisation des idées depuis la conception jusqu'à l'obtention d'excellents résultats.
Avoir la volonté et la détermination de faire tout ce qu’il faut pour accomplir le travail. Dans un environnement commercial compétitif, ce qui nous distingue est notre responsabilité individuelle et collective de nous approprier nos livrables et de mener des initiatives innovantes.
Livrer de manière exceptionnelle et cohérente. L'excellence est un mantra ancré dans le cœur de chaque employé. Nous allons au-delà de la norme pour offrir une valeur mesurable à nos parties prenantes.
Diapositive précédente
Diapositive suivante
Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) was founded, signalling the beginning of the journey to accelerate African entrepreneurship.
The Elumelu Professionals Programme (formerly known as the African Market Internship Programme, AMIP) and the Tony & Awele Elumelu Prize were launched.
The Tony Elumelu Foundation provided $100,000 seed funding to 20 tech businesses through Nigerian Accelerator, CCHub, and launched a partnership between The Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) and the Tony Blair Africa Governance Initiative (AGI) to strengthen Africa’s private sector.
The Tony Elumelu Foundation partnered with Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Trade and Industry to fund the National Competitiveness Council of Nigeria (NCCN) and it supported the creation of the Impact Economy Innovations Fund (IEIF) - a joint, US$650,000 initiative with the Rockefeller Foundation to identify and fund seven individual investments.
TEF launched the Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme, a $100million commitment to identify, mentor, fund, and train 10,000 African entrepreneurs in 10 years across 54 African countries, as well as the Africapitalism Institute.
The first set of 1,000 pan-African entrepreneurs were announced as beneficiaries of the Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) Entrepreneurship Programme, from over 20,000 applications across the continent. They convened at the inaugural TEF Forum.
The TEF report “Unleashing Africa's Agricultural Entrepreneurs”, a research of 304 Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurs from the Agricultural sector, was launched at the World Economic Forum Africa in Kigali, Rwanda
Tony Elumelu Foundation officially opened its TEF Entrepreneurship Programme to global partners
The Tony Elumelu Foundation launched TEFConnect, the largest digital networking platform connecting African entrepreneurs to pan-African business opportunities. The Foundation also hosted French President Emmanuel Macron at an exclusive gathering with over 1,000 guests in attendance.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) signed a ground-breaking partnership with the Tony Elumelu Foundation to empower 100,000 additional entrepreneurs in rural, underserved communities across the continent over 10 years. It also launched a $5million partnership agreement with the African Development Bank, to support young entrepreneurs in Africa with training, mentorship and funding.
The Tony Elumelu Foundation unveiled an upgraded and fully digitised TEF Entrepreneurship Programme, allowing instant feedback on entrepreneurs’ application and end to end automated processes.
La Fondation Tony Elumelu nomme des femmes à trois postes de haute direction, démontrant ainsi leur leadership en tant que championne mondiale de l'inclusion et de l'égalité des sexes.


Administrateur du TEF

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