Dennis Mutoro

Dennis Mutoro

Áfricar Logística Limitada

A Africar Logistics Limited tem prestado serviços de logística nos últimos sete anos, mas agora temos um grande desafio em satisfazer as necessidades de entrega porta a porta dos nossos clientes, por isso expandimos os nossos serviços para incluir uma solução ponta a ponta chamada \one stop \ Serviços.

Caroline Ocanda

Caroline Ocanda

Novos investimentos iniciais limitados

Através da New Beginning Investments Limited, Caroline capacitou muitas meninas que abandonaram a escola e não têm fonte de renda e mulheres que são totalmente dependentes de seus maridos e até mesmo de mães solteiras que estão lutando para sobreviver.

Israel Mwalyaje

Israel Mwalyaje

Zai Vet Center Company Ltd

Zai Vet Center Company Ltd aumenta a renda das pessoas por meio da criação de gado, especificamente vacas leiteiras, porcos e frangos locais, permitindo que os agricultores tenham acesso a insumos a preços mais baratos e fornecendo-lhes habilidades regularmente.

Ishak Hazz Kanonya

Assistente escolar total

Total School Assistant (TSA) caters to all the data processing and information management needs found in any type school, such as general human resource data, student biodata, financial data and so on. TSA also diversifies by completing a number of other applications that use the same concept of integrated biometrics with wireless connections but in …

Everlyn Imunde

Everlyn Imunde

Cinquenta e quatro participações em tempo real

Realtime Fifty Four Holdings is a graphic design, printing, branding and publishing company that offers cutting edge solutions to all visual communication needs. Over the years Realtime54 has distinguished itself as a visuals communications provider of repute handling heavy and demanding work volumes. We also have a training centre where we produce high quality professionals …

Jéssica Alagoa

Jéssica Alagoa

Les Petite Pots de l'Ogooue

Jessica Medza Allogo is at the founder of of “Les Pots de l’Ogooue”, a Gabonese confectionery that produces jams made from local fruits in fond in her home country of Gabon. Before starting her business, Jessica worked for 10 years in the petroleum sector in Gabon and Asia where she acquired solid knowledge in process …

Flavien Kouatcha

Flavien Kouatcha

Salve nossa agricultura

Flavien Kouatcha is a young engineer who is the head of Save Our Agriculture, a company specializing in aquaponics, a system that allows the cultivation of plants and the breeding of fish in the same device. Using fish droppings he is able to create a natural fertilizer for plant growth. Through the Save Our Agriculture system they …

Paulo Nyambe

Paulo Nyambe

Produtos Zamgoat Limitados

Zamgoat Meat Products is an innovative, market-driven and socially-inclusive Zambian agribusiness, poised to be industry leader in the processing and distribution of quality goat products and services and, hence also supporting rural livelihoods in Zambia. Zamgoat operates across the goat sector value chain and is built on an innovative and integrated business model, which endeavors …

Chinedu Emenalo


After several years in the banking sector, it was easier for Nigerian-born Chinedu Emenalo to identify the challenges around financial service faced by customers. With this, Chinedu and his colleague – who would become his co-founder – decided to launch a startup. Kobopay, to offer a more seamless platform for affordable financial services at a …

Kgomotso Tlhokwane

Kgomotso Tlhokwane

Fazenda Tlhoks

O sonho de Kgomotso Tlhokwane era mudar o mundo das pequenas maneiras que pudesse e fazer a diferença na sua indústria e no Bostwana. Ela conseguiu fazer isso por meio da Fundação Tony Elumelu. Sua seleção como empreendedora de Tony Elumelu influenciou significativamente sua capacidade de aumentar a força da equipe e realizar mais. A Gestão Empresarial…


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