
  • Hoda Kouakou Steve

    Hoda Kouakou Steve

    While he was at the ideation stage for his business, Hoda Kouakou Steve applied for the Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme. Being a part of the programme enlightened him to better understand his idea; structure it and to formalize the company. The seed capital enabled him to launch business activities and conduct various tests on …

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  • Tidiane Rangel

    Tidiane Rangel

    With a business team composed mainly of female locals, Angola’s Tidiane Rangel is securing Angola’s economic growth and empowering women through its direct and indirect contribution to the development of other local businesses. Her vision was inspired by a challenge she wanted to address, which is that the difficulty in local sourcing for needed resources …

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  • Olayinka Bello

    Olayinka Bello

    Olayinka Bello’s entrepreneurial mission was to change the mindset and impression of Nigerians towards Nigerian-made products by using chemistry as a yardstick. His dream of having a footwear brand first occurred at his primary school graduation, when his father bought him a pair of oversized moccasin shoes. As a result of this, he wore the …

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  • Ex-alunos do TEF RACCINE SAR

    Racine Sarr

    Uma das muitas formas pelas quais as pequenas empresas podem crescer é através do comércio intercontinental, e Racine Sarr, do Senegal, está na vanguarda do crescente sector do comércio electrónico em África. Sua empresa, Shop Me Away, é uma plataforma local para pessoas importarem e exportarem de outros continentes. Para Racine, conectar produtos aos usuários é uma forma de apoiar…

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