
  • Zion Oshiobugie

    Zion Oshiobugie

    Clever Minds is a consultancy firm offering training and educational services to children in rural communities at affordable prices. Zion and his team has provided education, skills training and entrepreneurship, lunch and school supplies to over 105 underprivileged /Orphaned children in their nursery and primary school in Warri, Delta state Nigeria. They are currently supporting …

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  • Olivia Onyemaobi

    Olivia Onyemaobi

    Olivia é fundadora e CEO da Pad-Up Creations, uma empresa social na Nigéria que fabrica absorventes higiênicos laváveis e reutilizáveis sem produtos químicos. A sua empresa proporcionou a mais de 1 milhão de raparigas e mulheres em 13 países africanos acesso a pensos higiénicos que lhes durarão um período mínimo de 1 ano, criando ao mesmo tempo 93 empregos permanentes. …

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    Kennedy Lamwenya

    Kenedy is the founder and CEO of SunPoynt, a leading ‘pay-as-you-go’ energy services company that has innovatively combined mobile money technology and product design to provide under-served off-grid communities in Kenya with access to affordable solar-powered TV home systems. Since launching his product in the market in February 2015, his has successfully been able to …

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  • Sorte Yvette

    Yvette Ishimwe

    Yvette Ishimwe is the founder and CEO of Iriba Water Group. A year before she was bestowed with a Queen’s Young Leaders Award in 2017, Yvette Ishimwe became a Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneur with the goal to provide innovative solutions for household water shortage in Rwanda. In addition, her organization Iriba Water Group, offers water …

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  • Rosemary Obi

    Rosemary Obi

    Rosemary Obi é ex-aluna da Fundação Tony Elumelu (TEF), matemática industrial que se tornou maquiadora profissional com mais de 12 anos de experiência no mundo da indústria de noivas, filmes e maquiagem criativa. Ela é a fundadora do primeiro reality show de maquiagem na África, o Project FX Makeup Show Africa, uma empresa social criada para treinar…

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    Nneile Nkholise

    Nneile Nkholise is a South African tech entrepreneur. In 2015 she founded iMED Tech Group, an innovative startup that uses 3D printing technology to produce breast prosthetic for breast cancer survivors. In just two hears she has impacted over 150 women with her prosthetics. Since completing TEF Programme in 2016 she has since gone on …

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  • Arinze Eze

    Ndubuisi Eze

    Ndubuisi Eze, “The Drone Guy” as he is popularly called, is one of the TEF beneficiaries. He applied to the Foundation’s Programme with an idea to unlock the potential of smart farming. He had plans to build drones with dual capability – to help farmers with crop dusting and provide information about the farm through …

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  • Temitayo Orekoya em pé e segurando o microfone

    Temitayo Orekoya

    A Crawford Swim World Ltd começou como uma empresa de aulas de natação, mas se expandiu para incluir Programação Aquática para Empresas e Famílias. A Crawford Swim World se orgulha de ser confiável e acessível, oferecendo a melhor escolha possível para empresas e famílias.

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  • Alagun-Belema

    Belém Alagun

    Belema Alagun, CEO of Britts Foods a start-up focused on delivering the best of sandwiches and smoothies to customers. Belema is one of the 1,000 selected TEF entrepreneurs from 54 African countries. She started her business in a small one-bedroom apartment and has been able to transform her business to a point where they own …

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  • Leroy Mwasaru

    Profile As a high school student of Maseno School, Young Leroy Mwasaru started Greenpact when his school faced a problem of a faulty sewer system. The sewer problem polluted nearby sources of domestic water for the neighboring community, sparking a demonstration against the school. In a bid to provide a solution to this problem, Leroy …

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