• Seed grant in 2015

    Seed Grant in 2015: Ogola, TEF Alumni from Nigeria Success Story

    According to the Raw Materials Research and Development Council (RMRDC) of Nigeria, Nigeria records 40% post-harvest losses annually in tomato production. While the annual production of tomato in the country is rising and currently slightly over 1.8 million metric tonnes, national demand has increased to more than 2.4million metric tonnes per annum, leaving a huge deficit  After …

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  • Driving Women Entrepreneurship

    Driving Women Entrepreneurship in Africa: A High-Level Reception Hosted by the Tony Elumelu Foundation

    On Monday, July 15, the Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) hosted the United States Presidential Advisory Council on Africa Diaspora Engagement (PAC-ADE) at a gathering of key players from the private and public sectors, creative entrepreneurs, and development partners. The focus? Driving women entrepreneurship across Africa. The Event Highlights The gathering included notable #TEFAlumni who shared …

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  • post-harvest loss

    Success Story of Olanrewaju, 2017 TEF Alumni in Agriculture Sector

    Lack of storage facilities is one of the problems facing farmers and the distributors of agricultural produce. It is estimated that 40% of total food production in Nigeria is loss during and after harvest.   Olanrewaju Samuel Faleye took the initiative to contribute to solving the problem of the spice and confectionaries segment of agricultural products.  …

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  • Why Entrepreneurship? The Inspiring Journey of Afamefuna and Speedmeals

    Afamefuna’s entrepreneurial journey began from a place of necessity and personal loss. After the passing of his father, and with the responsibility of nine siblings resting on his shoulders alongside an unemployed mother, Afamefuna decided to take charge of his future by venturing into entrepreneurship. From Humble Beginnings to Business Expansion Starting in 2012, Afamefuna …

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  • Success Story of Olamide

    Success Story of Olamide, 2015 TEF Alumni in Agriculture Sector

    Success Story of Olumide Ogunbanjo, 2015 TEF Alumni from Nigeria in the Agriculture Sector: Recent estimates show that about 88% of all flowering plants and 35% of the global plant-based food supply rely on pollinators to be successful. Pollination is a vital ecological service provided by a wide range of insect species including bees, wasps, …

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  • success story of peace

    Success Story of Peace, 2019 TEF Alumni in Agriculture Sector

    According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, about 19.4 million people will face food insecurity across Nigeria between June and August 2022. According to the report, the food crisis would affect Nigerians in 21 states and the FCT, including 416,000 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). It noted that about 14.4 million people, including 385,000 …

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  • BeGreen Waste Management

    BeGreen Africa Entrepreneur Workshop Empowers Kenyan Youth in Waste Management

    The BeGreen Africa Entrepreneur Workshop, was held in Nairobi, Kenya to empower young entrepreneurs in waste management to develop comprehensive business plans and innovative solutions 

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  • A Fundação Tony Elumelu lança seu comercial de TV para 2024

    A Fundação Tony Elumelu (TEF) tem o orgulho de anunciar o lançamento de seu comercial de TV de 2024. Todos os anos, a Fundação lança um anúncio atraente para inspirar e capacitar jovens empreendedores africanos através do seu principal Programa de Empreendedorismo.

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  • empreendedorismo verde em África

    Fundação Tony Elumelu: Defendendo o Empreendedorismo Verde em África na 19ª Conferência Anual CASP

    No seu discurso inspirador, Benjamin sublinhou o papel fundamental da Fundação Tony Elumelu na revolução do empreendedorismo verde em África. Ele explicou como as nossas iniciativas são fundamentais para enfrentar alguns dos desafios mais prementes do continente, incluindo a redução da pobreza, a criação de emprego, o empoderamento inclusivo e o desenvolvimento sustentável.

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  • Apresentação da Coligação TEF para Empreendedores Africanos

    Apresentação da Coligação TEF – Tony Elumelu Falando pela África

    Apresentação da Coligação TEF para Empreendedores Africanos – Ontem, na abertura da Semana Global de Saúde de Abu Dhabi, o nosso Presidente do Grupo, Tony O. Elumelu, CFR, participou numa sessão de alto nível apenas para convidados no Fórum de Líderes de Saúde com o rótulo “Reimaginando Saúde e Vida: Podem as fundações e filantropias impulsionar as instituições globais de saúde?” Ele se juntou à HE Monica Geingos,…

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