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  • silhouette, portrait, femmes

    Tania Conforte Ismene Attiba

    Tania Conforte Ismene is the founder of Connexences and an entrepreneur in the fruit juice sector and capacity building sector.

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  • Nkem Okocha - Maman moni

    Nkem Okocha

    With a mission to eradicate poverty through economic empowerment of poor women, Nkem Okocha set up Mamamoni, a social enterprise that is addressing community transformation by empowering women to carry on small businesses. Loan recipients get low-interest loans in return for signing up for a system designed to create impact on financial inclusion and children’s …

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  • Nora Chaynane

    TEF Entrepreneur Nora Chaynane founded Shine Space, Morroco’s foremost socio-educational initiative to bridge the knowledge gap and guide students in finding the right career path. Shine space offers opportunities to students to prepare early and acquire technical and interpersonal skills, beyond what the schools provide, to meet the demands of today’s world of work. Before …

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  • Bethelhem Dejene Abebe

    Bethelhem Dejene Abebe est cofondatrice et PDG de Zafree Papers, une entreprise qui introduit une pâte à papier 100% sans arbres, fabriquée à partir de déchets agricoles. Basée en Éthiopie, la société de Bethelhem, Zafree, fabrique de la pâte à papier, du papier et des produits en papier 100% sans arbres en utilisant des déchets agricoles comme intrant au lieu du bois. L’entreprise opère dans…

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  • Barbara Kamba-Nyathi

    Barbara Kamba-Nyathi

    Barbara Kamba-Nyathi est auteure, psychologue sociale, conférencière inspirante, médiatrice, poète, entrepreneure et coach en matière de style de vie et de bien-être. Elle est deux fois conférencière TEDx et co-fondatrice et PDG de Bold Dialogue Investments P/L, une organisation qui vise à responsabiliser, inspirer et guider les femmes pour qu'elles deviennent la meilleure version d'elles-mêmes. Un dialogue audacieux crée une atmosphère…

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  • Olivia Onyemaobi

    Olivia Onyemaobi

    Olivia is the Founder and CEO of Pad-Up Creations, a social enterprise in Nigeria manufacturing chemical-free washable and reusable sanitary pads. Her company has provided over 1 million girls and women in 13 African countries with access to sanitary pads that will last them a minimum period of 1 year while creating 93 permanent jobs. …

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  • Mavis Nduchwa

    Mavis Nduchwa

    Mavis is the founder of found Chabana Farms, a successful agribusiness enterprise focused on the integrated farming of cattle, poultry, piggery, donkeys, vegetables, and horticulture.  The idea for Chabana Farms was started when Mavis noticed the extreme problems her community was facing –lack of jobs for women and youth and frequent food shortages. The vision of …

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  • Chioma Ukonu

    Chioma Ukonu

    Chioma est la fondatrice et directrice de l'exploitation de Recycle Points, une entreprise sociale de recyclage des déchets qui motive les post-consommateurs à recycler en créant de la valeur à partir de leurs déchets quotidiens. Avec son équipe, elle a pu développer un modèle d'incitation BASÉ SUR DES POINTS avec lequel ils collectent les matières recyclables (canettes, bouteilles en verre, journaux, etc.) auprès des post-consommateurs enregistrés et dans…

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  • Kofoworola Oyeleye

    Kofoworola Oyeleye

    Kofoworola Oyeleye is the founder of Iyin-Creative, an innovative animation company with the goal of promoting and preserving the African heritage and cultures through cartoons. Through her work she has reached over 7,000 Children of Nigerian heritage worldwide, giving them the opportunity to learn their native language in a fun and modern way, and trained …

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  • Chanceuse Yvette

    Yvette Ishimwe

    Yvette Ishimwe is the founder and CEO of Iriba Water Group. A year before she was bestowed with a Queen’s Young Leaders Award in 2017, Yvette Ishimwe became a Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneur with the goal to provide innovative solutions for household water shortage in Rwanda. In addition, her organization Iriba Water Group, offers water …

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