TEF2024 – An Easy Guide to your Application – FAQs Answered
The Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) is the leading champion of Entrepreneurship & Economic Development in Africa. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on TEF2024 grant application. Applications are currently ongoing.
- Q: How do I apply for TEF grant?
A: The Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme is open to Africans from all 54 African countries with scalable business ideas or a business that has been operational for no more than 3 years. Applicants must be 18 years of age and above. Interested applicants may register on www.tefconnect.com
- Q: Is there a registration fee to be paid before TEF Application?
A: TEF has NOT appointed anyone to act on her behalf to conduct any part of this Programme. This Programme is online, and it is FREE! If anyone is asking you to pay any amount of money in exchange for developing your business plan or pitch, it is a scam. Please report it immediately by sending an email to tefimpact@tonyelumelufoundation.org. We will ensure the confidentiality of your information.
- Q: I have signed up on tefconnect.com but no confirmation email received?
A: Kindly ensure to check your inbox, spam, promotional and junk mailboxes for confirmation emails. Be sure to send an email to enquiries@tonyelumelufoundation.org for any further assistance.
- Q: While filling my application on tefconnect.com, I am unable to click on ‘’CONTINUE’’ to move to the next part of my application, please help?
A: If you experience any issues with filling your application, kindly send an email to enquiries@tonyelumelufoundation.org
with detailed reference either with text, image or video and we will resolve immediately.
- Q: Can I use a student ID to apply?
A: We are only able to admit government issued ID, any other ID will render the application null & void.
- Q: I am unable to upload my ID/photo. Why?
A: Kindly ensure that you are uploading a Jpeg/png file no more than 1mb in size. If issue persists, kindly send a screenshot of the error message to enquiries@tonyelumelufoundation.org
- Q: Who is eligible to apply?
A: The Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme is open to Africans from all 54 African countries with scalable business ideas or businesses from 0 – 5 years.
- Q: What is the next step after applying on TEFConnect?
A: Once you have successfully submitted your application, you will get a notification about your status.
- Q: I am unable to log in with my registered email address, what do I do?
A: If you experience any log-in issues, kindly send an email to enquiries@tonyelumelufoundation.org with detailed reference to the issue and we will resolve immediately. You could explain to us in detail the problems you face when trying to log in? If you can, please also send us error screenshot.
- Q: Can I reapply after being rejected in previous years?
A: Yes, we encourage you to reapply to our programme until you are successful.
- Q: Is it possible for couple to apply for TEF Entrepreneurship Programme separately?
A: Members of the same family are not allowed to apply to the Programme, doing so would result in disqualification.
- Q: I have two ideas. Can I submit them separately?
A: Unfortunately, this is not allowed by the Foundation. Applicants are expected to apply with only one existing business or business idea. Applicants found to have applied multiple times in the same cycle or in different cycles will be disqualified.
- Q: What documents do we need to upload when applying?
A: When filling the application form on TEFConnect, you will be required to upload the documents below. Also, please ensure to use valid phone numbers that are on WhatsApp to apply to the programme. The documents are:
1. Valid Government-issued Identification- This applies to everyone.
2. Official Business Registration Certificate- Businesses already operational
3. Official Evidence of Business Ownership- Businesses already operational
4. Official Evidence of Directors- Businesses already operational
5. Official Consent by Partners to apply- This applies to businesses with partners
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