
  • Ishak Hazz Kanonya

    Total School Assistant (TSA) caters to all the data processing and information management needs found in any type school, such as general human resource data, student biodata, financial data and so on. TSA also diversifies by completing a number of other applications that use the same concept of integrated biometrics with wireless connections but in …

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  • Everlyn Imunde

    Everlyn Imunde

    Realtime Fifty Four Holdings is a graphic design, printing, branding and publishing company that offers cutting edge solutions to all visual communication needs. Over the years Realtime54 has distinguished itself as a visuals communications provider of repute handling heavy and demanding work volumes. We also have a training centre where we produce high quality professionals …

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  • Chinedu Emenalo

    After several years in the banking sector, it was easier for Nigerian-born Chinedu Emenalo to identify the challenges around financial service faced by customers. With this, Chinedu and his colleague – who would become his co-founder – decided to launch a startup. Kobopay, to offer a more seamless platform for affordable financial services at a …

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  • Saint Eudes Bissala

    Saint Eudes Bissala

    With a scientific academic background, Saint Eudes followed the world of architecture and then found himself in the field of ICT where he served as an incubator, managing teams for projects and building his leadership skills. However, it was in 2019, through the Tony Elumelu Foundation programme, that he received the training and validation he …

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  • Harun Abubakar Ibrahim

    Harun Abubakar Ibrahim is the founder of Haigha Tech, a company that provides a one-stop automated solution for trade and industry. The company caters to various sizes and fields of organizations with different products and services to meet their preferred requirements. Haigha Tech began its business operation as a hardware and software solutions providing company …

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  • Bosun Tijani

    Bosun Tijani is a Nigerian entrepreneur and co-founder and CEO of Co-Creation Hub, a technology innovation centre that provides a cushy nest for Innovators and Creatives solving pressing social problems in Africa. In 2012, the Tony Elumelu Foundation provided CcHUB with a $100,000 investment to support the development of Bosun’s Hub. Since then, Bosun has …

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  • Gofaone Mokgethisi

    Gofaone Mokgethisi is the founder of Utick Online, a company providing secure access control and zero ticket fraud using RFID wristbands as tickets. The company has covered over 400 annual events (sports, conferences, exhibitions, music concerts), 360 000 attendees and has at least BWP 150 000 000 in capital investment injected into the event business …

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  • Bonno Tose Mannathoko

    Bonno Mannathoko started (registered under Khoisan Technologies group) an online shopping website that offers a range of quality products including E-commerce and solutions that focus on efficiency and enhanced productivity of meetings.

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